How to get to Oz-en-Oisans?

By car:

  • From Grenoble, take the autoroute A480, direction Sisteron/Gap.
  • Exit n°8 "Vizille/Stations de l’Oisans".
  • Then take RN85, and D1091, direction "Briançon/Bourg d’Oisans" for 35 km.
  • At the intersection « Rochetaillée » (7 km before "Bourg d’Oisans") turn left, direction Allemont/Oz/Vaujany".
  • Then follow "Oz-en-Oisans", taking the D44a

By train:

By plane:

Taxis from the airports or train station:

By bus:

Grenoble bus station is next to the SNCF train station and where buses from Grenoble Isère and Lyon St Exupéry airports also arrive.

  • Bus connections :
    • Transisère 3000: Daily service between Grenoble bus station and Rochetaillée (10 km from Oz Station), then take the free shuttle bus to Oz Station.You can also take Transisère 3000 to Rochetailée, then the Transisère 3010 to Allemont (7 km from Oz Station), then the free shuttle.
  • Informations Transisère 3000 and Transisère 3010 : www.transisere.frTél : 33 (0)820 08 38 38,
  • Free Shuttle ALLEMOND – OZ EN OISANS :
    • Tourist office Oz-en-Oisans, Tél : 33 (0)4 76 80 78 01

Where is Chalet Sarenne in Oz-en-Oisans?